Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lesson (1.3) : Comparison of mean and standard deviation of two sets of data

Here we will learn to compare two sets of data and find intrepretations and make conclusions from its mean and standard deviation.

We begin by finding about the meaning of the word consistency and its relationship to standard deviation by comparing data from 2 bowlers from these videos below :

So from this videos we learn that although two data can have the same mean or average , they can have different standard deviation.
A smaller standard deviation means that it is more consistent to the average.
A larger standard deviation means it is less consistent to the average.
Read the example 6 page 16 , by clicking on the image below :
In your E.Maths Book 1, please complete
Exercise 1.3: Qn 1, 3, 7 and 8
Revision Exercise 1 : Qn 1-4 and Qn 8.
Please hand in on Wednesday 25th January.

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